Assessment in Action

Assessment in Action

2017 Program Assessment Outcomes Showcase

On March 17, 2017, the Office of Undergraduate Education hosted the first annual Program Outcomes Assessment Showcase to celebrate the growing campus engagement in sustainable learning outcomes assessment practices in UC Davis undergraduate academic programs. Faculty from undergraduate academic programs UIPR cluster 3 shared their successes, challenges, and lessons learned as trailblazers in integrating direct assessment of student learning into the Undergraduate Program Self-Review process. For most of these programs, this represented the results of the first y

Assessing Writing in English 10

English 10 Assessment Pilot: Results

Authored by former Assessment Analyst Tiffany Johnson, this report describes part of a multi-year effort undertaken by the Department of English to develop sustainable outcomes assessment practices to inform curricular, budget, and strategic planning efforts, as well as program self-study processes. 

Introduction to Engineering Design pilot (2014)

Engineering 098 Pilot (2014)

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the course outcomes in the pilot offering of Introduction to Engineering Design (ENG 098) had been met. Students from the pilot offering were interviewed in groups about the content knowledge they gained and their experiences in the course as well as the College of Engineering (CoE) in general.