Tuesday, September 22

Exploring the Intersections of Equity and Assessment

Opening Remarks

Chancellor Gary May

8:45 - 9:00 am

Picture of UC Davis Chancellor Gary May


What does assessment (even) have to do with equity?

Natasha Jankowski, Ph.D.

9:00 - 9:50 am

Natasha Jankowski
Natasha Jankowski

In this keynote, participants will be invited to consider how equity and assessment are connected & why that connection matters. Read more...


Register for the Opening Remarks & Keynote!

Session 1

How do UCD students find out what they're expected to learn? You might be surprised by what they said!

CEE Academic Assessment Team

10:00 - 10:50 am

CEE Assessment Team
CEE Assessment Team

How to make student learning outcomes transparent and comprehensible to students (and why doing so is essential). Read more...

Register for this session!

Session 2

Promoting equity and engagement: Actively involving students in assessment

Natasha Jankowski & Korana Burke

11:00 - 11:50 am

Natasha Jankowski
Korana Burke
Natasha Jankowski
Natasha Jankowski

How (and why) to include students’ input on ways to demonstrate learning (Natasha) and grading (Korana).  Read more...

Register for this session!

Daily Debrief 

Facilitated by Melinda M. Livas

12:00 - 12:45 pm

Photo of Melinda Livas
Melinda Livas

Join presenters, participants, and guests for a guided discussion of topics from the day's sessions with lots of opportunities for Q & A with faculty colleagues and SLO assessment specialists.

Register for the debrief!