How can we improve student learning?
Act on the results
Celebrate successes and acknowledge areas in need of improvement.
"Consequential validity posits that assessment must be valid for the purposes for which it is used, consistent with relevant professional standards, and--this is the key point here--that the impacts or consequences of its use should be factors in determining validity" (Hutchings, Kinzie, & Kuh, 2015, P. 41).
What actions do the results indicate?
Based on the results, should we...
- clarify program expectations for student learning? (Are there too many program learning outcomes? Do they represent high expectations for student learning? Are they too ambitious or too basic?)
- reevaluate alignment between program learning outcomes and learning opportunities?
- support course redesign efforts to emphasize program learning outcomes?
- develop shared instruments for assessing student learning?
Develop and implement actions
- Define action (e.g., revise program learning outcomes, redesign senior-level course, develop shared instrument for use across selected lower division courses).
- Explain how planned action will improve student learning;
- Identify necessary resources (human and/or capital);
- Implement action;
- Re-assess relevant program learning outcomes;
Communicate results
Share results with faculty, students, campus community, and community/industry stakeholders via department website, alumni newsletters, and/or social media tools.