Setting ALL of your students up for assessment success: Adaptable approaches
About this session:
This session will focus on strategies for making assignment expectations and evaluation criteria clear and comprehensible to students -- and why doing so is essential, both for increasing the likelihood of equitable outcomes for students and for instructors' own well-being! The presenters will share ways to effectively communicate directions for completing assessment tasks and provide an overview of the development and application of rubrics as an efficient tool for communicating expected outcomes and performance criteria.
About the presenters:

Kory Lawson Ching
Kory Lawson Ching, PhD is the Associate Director of online writing instruction and an assistant professor in the University Writing Program. His scholarly interests include teacher preparation, digital literacies, and composition pedagogy, especially the practice of using peer response groups in the writing classroom. His undergraduate teaching focuses on writing in digital environments, ethnographic fieldwork, and videogame analysis.

Maureen Njoki Kinyua
Maureen Njoki Kinyua, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her research focuses on livestock, human and solid waste treatment, and nutrient and energy recovery for communities, especially those in developing countries. This research assists in improving the public health, environmental, and economic status of community members to increase their quality of life. She received her PhD from University of South Florida and did her post -doctoral research at Columbia University.