How can we change our assignments to be more equitable and meaningful for students?
About this session:
In this session, we will cover a range of ways to make assignments more equitable and meaningful for our students. First, we consider basic ways to change assignments to increase transparency and student involvement in the assessment process. We then consider authentic writing and student reflections as examples of ways to help students demonstrate and understand their learning and make it more meaningful for them.
About the presenters:

Mark Verbitsky
Mark Verbitsky, PhD is an assistant professor of teaching in the Political Science department, teaching classes on constitutional law and American political theory. He is an active participant in the UC Davis faculty learning community, always eager to learn new teaching ideas from fellow faculty. Among his pedagogical interests are actively teaching students learning skills, including undergraduates as part of the teaching team (learning assistants), and integrating non-knowledge-based learning outcomes into his courses.

Dan Melzer
Dan Melzer, PhD is the Director of First-Year Composition and a professor in the University Writing Program. He teaches graduate courses in teaching writing and first-year and advanced composition. He is the author of Assignments Across the Curriculum: A National Study of College Writing and co-author of Sustainable WAC: A Whole Systems Approach to Launching and Developing Writing Across the Curriculum Programs.