Program Learning Outcomes
Modern Chinese Language
- develop the capability to function as informed and confident global citizens.
- engage in conversations and comprehend Chinese material on a range of topics.
- narrate, describe, compare, and discuss ideas on topics within their experience and of interest to them.
- understand the general sociolinguistic norms of representative Chinese communities and can communicate in a variety of cultural settings.
- understand and appreciate the diversity of languages and cultures as reflected in Chinese and English.
- utilize Chinese computing skills to obtain information and express ideas.
Classical Chinese Language
- demonstrate a grasp of the basic Classical Chinese syntax.
- punctuate stock unpunctuated texts written in standard Classical Chinese
- translate such texts into idiomatic English.
- establish a good foundation on which to build proficiency in Classical Chinese.
Chinese Literature
- familiar with the major genres of traditional Chinese poetry, fiction, and historiography, and know canonical authors and texts in poetic genres such as landscape, protest, panegyric, and nostalgic poetry, as well as their prose counterparts in biographical, fantastical, and romantic narratives.
- command of the landmark authors and works of twentieth-century literature in fiction, poetry, drama, and film.
- analyze basic literary features of these works and situate them in various historical and cultural contexts.